Asbjørn Jokstad, DDS, Dr. Odont.

One page CV - Current Research Information SysTem In Norway (CRISTIN)

GoogleScholar -- ORCID: 0000-0002-5902-4520 ----Pubmed -- Research Gate -- Scopus: 7003486298 --- Web of Science C-8743-2012

Cariology & Restorative Dentistry
Covid-19 & SARS-2
Digital technologies & Computer-assistance
Education in dentistry
Evidence Based Practice
Health & Safety in the Work Environment
Implant prosthodontics
Occlusion & Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)
Oral Cancer
Prosthodontics, Conventional
Quality of care, Clinical guidelines, Patient safety
Research Ethics, organization and validity
Tooth anatomy & Colour
Other themes
Clinical and Experimental Dental Research - editorials, 2015-2019
Student lectures - Tromsoe (2012-, Toronto, Canada (2012-2005-2012), Oslo, Norway (2005-)
Popular Science & Interviews
WWW website management

Last 5 Lectures Last 5 publications
Plastics in dental care clinics and growing concerns about the environmental impact. Second International Symposium on Plastics in the Arctic and Sub-Arctic Region. Reykjavik, Iceland. 22 november 2023.

Gussgard AM, Jokstad A. The Environmental Impact of Polymer Uses in Oral Health Care. 102nd. IADR / 53. AADOCR /46. CADR General Session & Exhibition. Abstract

Conventional versus novel materials for a fixed prosthesis. ITI Congress Nordic. Controversies in Implantology. Copenhagen. 1 september 2023  
Løse proteser på faste tenner, og faste proteser på løse tenner eller alternativer? Troms Tannlegeforening Årsmøtekurs. Tromsø. 15 oktober 2022.

Den norske tannlegeforeningens Tidende

Forskeren som kliniker, og klinikeren som forsker – refleksjoner. Dobbeltkompetansesamling 2022. Helsedirektoratet. Tromsø. 14 oktober 2022


Ensuring best patient care in oral prosthetics on the best evidence. Invited faculty lecture. Det odontologiske fakultet, Oslo, 9 mars 2022

Al-Nawas B, Lambert F, Andersen SWM, Bornstein MM, Gahlert M, Jokstad A, et al. Group 3 ITI Consensus Report: Materials and antiresorptive drug-associated outcomes in implant dentistry. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2023 ;34 Suppl 26: 169-176.

Undergraduate student lectures top

Lectures overview, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø (2013 - )

University of Toronto, Canada (2005-2012),

Universitetet i Oslo, Norway (1990-2005)

The hyperlinked articles and presentations below may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes only. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden without prior permission from the publisher and author.

Cariology and Operative / Restorative Dentistry top

Lectures / Courses Publications  
  Wold Nilsen, B, Mouhat M, Jokstad A. Quantification of porosity in composite resins delivered by injectable syringes using X-ray microtomography. Biomaterials Investigations in Dentistry 2020 Jan 1 ;7(1): 86-95.  
Sekundærkaries og mikrolekkasje - samt andre teorier om patogenese. Kariologi-Geilomøtet 2016, Departments of Cariology of the Universities of Bergen & Oslo. Geilo, Norway. 29 Jan 2016.    
Secondary caries and microleakage. Academy of Dental Materials, Lahaina, Maui, HI, USA, 8 October 2015.    
Evidence based development and clinical implementation of dental biomaterials. IADR Dental Material Group. International Association for Dental Research, Keynote lecture. [Abstract] Cape Town, South Africa. 25 June 2014. Jokstad A. Secondary caries and microleakage. Dental Materials 2016; 32(1): 11-25. [PrePublication] [Medline] Dental Materials
  Jokstad A, Ortengren U. Innovative biomaterials research... ...under the Northern Lights. Public Service Review: European Union 2013; Volume 25: 208 -209. [PrePublication]
  Jokstad A. Cochrane-review: Reparere fyldninger eller skifte ud? Tandlægebladet 2010; 114(9): 713-715 [OPEN ACCESS]. Tandlaegebladet 2010:9
Clinical performance of alloys and metal ceramic restorations University of Toronto , Det odontologiske fakultet DEN 1052 Biomaterials graduate course. Toronto, Canada. 20 Apr 2006    
Determining restoration longevity. In-house seminar. University of Toronto Det odontologiske fakultet. Toronto, Canada. 20 Jan 2006 Jokstad A, von der Fehr FR, Løvlie GR, Myran T. Wear of teeth due to occupational exposure to airborne olivine dust. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 2005; 63: 294-299 [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
Posteriore fylllinger i kompositt plast i allmenn praksis. Dansk Tandlægeforening, Clinical symposium. København, Danmark. 5 Nov 2004 Arneberg P, Hossain NMN, Jokstad A. Fluoride tablet programs in healthy elderly subjects: distribution of fluoride in saliva and plaque with tablets in different sites. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 2005; 62: 1-8. [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
Predictable treatment of tooth surface lesions. Chinese Stomatological Association, CDE programme. Hangzhou, China. 26 Oct 2004    
Management of Buccal Erosions. Slovakia Dental Association annual meeting - Interdental 2004. Bratislava, Slovakia. 14 May 2004.    
Evidensbasert medisin - utfordinger i kariologi Kariologi-Geilomøtet 2004, Departments of Cariology of the Universities of Bergen & Oslo . Geilo, Norway. 8 Jan 2004    
Kariesepidemiologi. Karies - et samfunnsproblem? Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Graduate Core Curriculum. Oslo, Norway. 3 Nov 2003    
Determining restoration longevity Lebanese Dental Association 13th Annual Conference. Beirut, Lebanon. 28 Aug 2003    
Longevity studies: good evidence versus academic exercises. FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. Wien, Austria. 2 Oct 2002. von der Fehr FR, Løvlie GR, Jokstad A, Leirskar J. Tannslitasje ved eksponering for Olivinstøv. NHO Rapport. 12 Jan 2001. NHO Norge Rapport
Hvornår er en defekt restaurering defekt og hvornår og hvordan behandles den? Dansk Tandlægeforening, Aarskursus. København, Danmark. 11 Apr 2002    
Correct choice of dental restorative materials. College of Dental Sciences , Davangere, India. 13 Mar 2001.    
Valg av Dentale Fyllingsmaterialer. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet. Seminar for practicum clinical advisors. Oslo, Norway. 15 Jan 2001    

Valg av fyllingsmaterialer. Dagskurs Vestfold Tannlegeselskap. Tønsberg, Norway. 5 Jun 2000: Innledning --- Adhesiver ---- Kompositt ---- Glassionomersement --- Amalgam --- Galliumlegeringer --- Sementer --- Gull --- Innlegg -- Keramer --- PlastInnlegg -- Dentalmaterialkrav --- Laboratorietester --- Ny produsent-informasjon -- Eksempel EBM applisert til gullinnlegg

Quality and longevity of dental restorations. British Dental Association Millenium Celebration for oral health - Birmingham, UK. 19 Apr 2000.    
Evidence based dentistry. applisert til sementering av gullinnlegg.Kariologi -Geilomøtet 2000. Department of Cariology of the Universities of Bergen & Oslo. Geilo, Norway. 27 Jan 2000 Jokstad A, Ambjørnsen E, Eide KE. Oral health in institutionalized elderly people in 1993 compared to in 1980. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 1996; 54: 303 - 308 [Online].[Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
  Jokstad A, Dahl BL. Dentinbinding. Scandinavian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry, Pp 36. ISBN 82 - 99402905, ISSN 1104 - 8964. Stockholm, 1996 SSPD Rapport 1996
Dagens fyllingsmaterialer. Vestfold Tannlegeselskap. Åsgårdstrand, Norway. 12 Oct 1996 Jokstad A. Tannfargede posteriore innlegg. Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende, 1996; 106: 4 - 9 [Online]. NTF's Tidende
  Jokstad A, Mjör IA, Qvist V. The Age of Restorations in Situ. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 1994; 52: 234 - 242.[Online] [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
Innlegg i Plast & Innlegg i keram. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet. Graduate studies Seminar. Oslo, Norway. 7 Nov 1994 Jokstad A, Mjör IA, Nilner K, Kaping S. Clinical performance of three anterior restorative materials over 10 years. Quintessence International, 1994; 25: 101 - 108. [Online] [Medline] Quintessence
Bonding & sementer. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Graduate studies Seminar. Oslo , Norway 12 Jun 1994 Mjör IA, Jokstad A. Five - year study of Class II restorations in permanent teeth using amalgam, glass polyalkenoate (ionomer) cermet and resin - based composite materials. Journal of Dentistry, 1993; 21: 338 - 343. [Online] [Medline] J Dentistry
Hvilke faktorer påvirker fyllingers holdbarhet? Alternativer til amalgam Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet. Graduate studies Seminar. Oslo, Norway. 14 Dec 1992 Jokstad A. Class 2 Cavity Preparations and Restoration Performance. Doctoral Thesis. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo, Pp. 198, December 1992. ISBN 82 - 91757-08- 9 ONLINE Thesis University of Oslo
Fyllingsmaterialer - hva velger vi? . Akershus Offentlige Tannhelsetjeneste. Skjetten, Norway. 29 Apr 1992 Jokstad A, Mjör IA. Replacement reasons and service time of class II amalgam restorations in relation to cavity design. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 1991; 49: 109 - 126. . [Online] [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
  Jokstad A, Mjör IA. Analyses of long term clinical behaviour of class II amalgam restorations. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 1991; 49: 47 - 63. . [Online] -- [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
  Jokstad A. Influence of cavity depth on marginal degradation of amalgam restorations. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 1991; 49: 65 - 71. . [Online] -- [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
  Jokstad A, Mjör IA. Assessment of marginal degradation of restorations on impressions. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 1991; 49: 15 - 25.. [Online] [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
  Mjör IA, Jokstad A, Qvist V. Longevity of posterior restorations. International Dental Journal, 1990; 40: 11 - 17. [Online] [Medline] Int Dent J
  Jokstad A, Mjör IA. Cavity design and marginal degradation of class II amalgam restorations. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 1990; 48: 389 - 397. .[Online] [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
  Jokstad A, Mjör IA. Clinical variables affecting the marginal degradation of amalgam restorations. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 1990; 48: 379 - 387. [Online] [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
  Jokstad A. The dimensions of the everyday Class II cavity preparations for amalgam. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 1989; 47: 89 - 99. [Online] [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
  Jokstad A, Johannessen L, Qvist V, Mjör IA. Klasse II kaviteter til amalgam. Tandlægebladet, 1989; 93: 230 - 236. [Online] [Medline] Tandlægebladet

Covid-19 & SARS-2 top



COVID-19-smitte, testing og statistikk for odontologer. Studenter og ansatte. Institutt for Klinisk Odontologi. UiT Norges arktiske universitet. 18 Mars 2020

Gussgard AM, Valen H, Olsvik O, Jokstad A. Aerosol i tannhelseklinikken. Del 1: Risiko for smitte. Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende 2020; 130: 676-687 & Tandläkartidningen 2020; (12): 60-71. & Tandlægebladet 2020; 121(12): 1134-1145.

  Gussgard AM, Valen H, Olsvik O, Jokstad A. Aerosol i tannhelseklinikken. Del 2: Tiltak for å begrense smitte. Den norske tannlegeforenings tidende 2020; 130: 690-702 & Tandlægebladet 2020; 124(12): 1146-1156.

Jokstad A. Et upresist språk skaper unødvendig angst om koronaviruset. Khrono. 30.3.2020. + Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2020; 131: 438-439

Digital Dentistry, Computing & Information Technologies top

Lectures / Courses Publications  
Adopting wisely innovative computer-assisted technologies in prosthodontic care. Webinar. European Prosthodontic Association. Envisioning the Future of Prosthodontics; 8 May 2021    
Technologies for the future of oral health - assisted navigation, 3D rpinting and intelligent image analysis. Pre-meeting:. Youtube Video. Cimes – Congresso de Inovação em Materiais e Equipamentos para Saúde. Sao Paulo, Brazil, 22 Aug 2018 Jokstad A, Winnett B, Fava J, Powell D, Somogyi-Ganss E. Investigational Clinical Trial of a Prototype Optoelectronic Computer-Aided Navigation Device for Dental Implant Surgery. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants. 2018; 33(3): 679-692. [Medline] Int J Oral Maxillofacial Implants
Adopting computer-assisted technologies in patient care – to be or not to be a prosthodontist of the future? The Oxford Lecture. European Prosthodontic Association, 41st. Annual Conference, Bucharest, Romania. 28 Sep 2017 Jokstad A. Computer-assisted technologies used in oral rehabilitation and the clinical documentation of alleged advantages - A systematic review. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2017; 44(4): 261–290. [PrePublication] [Medline] J Oral Rehabil 2017
Digital prosthodontics – limitations and future of current concepts.Colloqium of Oral Rehabilitation -CORE. Peking University School of Stomatology. Beijing, China. 27 August 2016.    
  Jokstad A, Shokati B. New 3D technologies applied to assess the long-term clinical effects of misfit of the full jaw fixed prosthesis on dental implants. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2015; 26(10): 1129-1134. [PrePublication] [Medline] Clin Oral Implants Res
CAD-CAM Technology for Implant abutments, Crowns and SuperstructuresITI Education Week, Bloorview-Macmillan Hospital, Toronto, Canada. Oct 23, 2013. Somogyi-Ganss E, Holmes H, Jokstad A. Computer-assisted dynamic versus static surgical guidance in dental implant placement. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2015; 26(8): 882-890. [PrePublication] [Medline] Clin Oral Implants Res

The benefits and caveats of using computer technologies in the fabrication process to make supra-constructions. ITI Education Week, Bloorview-Macmillan Hospital, Toronto, Canada. Oct 28 2012

Future perspectives of implant prosthetics. European Association for Osseointegration Anniversary Meeting, København, Danmark. Oct 13 2012.    
Using intra oral scanning and CADCAM technology to create accurate and esthetic restorations. ITI Canadian Section Meeting Education Session. Montreal, Canada. May 7 2011 How to take full advantage of the ITI web site and its many tools. ITI Canadian Section, Speaker development seminar Montreal, Canada. May 6 2011. 10.13140/RG.2.2.22709.27368    
Searching for the Evidence. NOS-M -The Joint Committee of the Nordic Medical Research Councils. Workshop on Evidence Based Dentistry. Oslo, Norway. 13 Nov 2004.    
Presentation of the new FDI Website: www.fdiworldental. org--. FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. Wien, Austria. 1 Oct 2002. - 10.13140/RG.2.2.33404.74885 Jokstad A. Presentation of the new FDI Website: FDI, FDI council, Aug 2002. FDI Report
Dataassistert fagutvikling i odontologi. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Graduate studies Core Curriculum, Oslo, Norway. 18 Jan 2002 Jokstad A. The FDI Homepage on the Internet. Report to the FDI council, Feb 2002. FDI Report
Tannlegepraksis i informasjonsalderen. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Graduate studies Core Curriculum, Oslo, Norway. 18 Jan 2001    
  Jokstad A. Quality Assurance of educational software courses offered over the internet to dentists. FDI Report. May 2000. FDI Report
Evidence based medicine. Where do we find the information? Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Graduate studies Core Curriculum, Oslo , Norway. 28 Sep 1998. Soboleva U, Jokstad A, Eckersberg T, Dahl BL. Chewing movements in TMD - patients and a control group before and after use of a stabilization splint. International Journal of Prosthodontics, 1998; 11: 158 - 164. [Online] - [Medline]  
Odontologi mot år 2000 Oslo College. Master course for Dental Technicians. Oslo, Norway. 8 Oct 1998    
Odontologi mot år 2000. Oslo College Master course for Dental Technicians. Oslo, Norway. 14 Nov 1996    
Produktutvikling i odontologi Oslo College Master course for Dental Technicians. Oslo, Norway. 17 Mar 1995    
Mikromaskinen som verktøy i odontologisk forskning. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Department of Public Dental Health. Oslo, Norway. 12 Apr 1988 Jokstad A. Bruk av informasjonsteknologi ved Det odontologiske fakultet i Oslo. Innvitert rapport 1988 University of Oslo Logo
Kurs i bruk av PC: tekstbehandling. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Department of Public Dental Health. Oslo, Norway. 29 Aug 1986 Jokstad A. Behovsvurdering for bruk av EDB i Oslo Tannlegeselskap. Innvitert rapport 1986 University of Oslo Logo
  Jokstad A. Bruksanvisning for anvendelse av terminaler tilknyttet NORD-100 datamaskinen ved Det odontologiske Fakultet i Oslo. Rapport 1983. University of Oslo Logo

Education top

Lectures / courses Publications  
Undervisningen i oral protetikk og bittfunksjon i Tromsø. Instituttmøte. Institutt for Klinisk Odontologi. UiT Norges arktiske universitet. Tromsø, 27 Mars 2019.    
The prosthodontics component of the Undergraduate Dentistry Curriculum. General description - Sharepoint site -- Implant prosthodontics- In-house orientations. Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto. CDAC Accreditation, 2012 Jokstad A. NDEB Competencies for a Beginning Dental Practitioner in Canada applied to the Prosthodontic Curriculum, 2009-2010 Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Toronto. CDAC Accreditation, 2011.  
Where Can I learn to place dental implants? Perspectives from Scandinavia and Canada. Revised. Canadian Dental Association Teaching conference on Implant Education. Toronto, Canada. 8 May 2008. Jokstad A. Where can I learn how to place dental implants? Perspectives from Scandinavia and Canada. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2008: 37(7): 593-596. [Online]] [Medline] Int J Oral Maxillofac Surgery
Teaching implantology in the undergraduate curriculum. Issues for consideration. University of Toronto Det odontologiske fakultet CCP clinical educators in-house educational seminar. Toronto, Canada. 8 Feb 2008.    

Where Can I learn to place dental implants? Perspectives from Scandinavia and Canada? International Conference on Reconstructive Preprosthetic Surgery. Charleston, South Carolina, USA. 14 Apr 2007.

  Owall B, Welfare R, Garefis P, Hedzelek W, Hobkirk J, Isidor F, Jerolimov V, Jokstad A, et al, Specialisation and specialist education in prosthetic dentistry in Europe. European Journal of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry 2006; 14:105-110. [Online] [Medline] Eur J Prostho Restor Dent
Teaching and research in prosthetic dentistry.. Dean's lecture. University of Toronto Det odontologiske fakultet. Toronto, Canada. 30 Mar 2005    
Challenges in Dental Education. Harmonization in Dental Education. FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress Symposium on International Dental Education. New Delhi, India. 12 Sep 2004. Jokstad A. Spesialutdannelsen i protetikk. Grunnlagdokumentasjon for Spesialrådet i Den Noske Tannlegeforeningen. Juli 2004 NTF Logo
  Jokstad A. Oral Prosthetics from a Nordic Perspective. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2002; 15(2): 145-153. [Online] [Medline] Int J Prosthod
  Jokstad A. Response to the UK General Dental Council regarding questions on recertification. FDI Sep 28, 2002. FDI Report
Oral sciences in the rapidly changing society in an age of information. A case for PBL teaching. Khonkaen University, Khonkaen, Thailand. 11 Oct 2001.    
  Jokstad A. Etterutdanning av tannleger - obligatorisk? Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende, 2000; 110: 534 -- [Online] Nor Tannlegeforenings Tidende
  Jokstad A. Synspunkter om hvordan PBL undervisning kan integreres med evidensbasert praksis. Brev til IKO instituttleder 22.4.1999 University of Oslo Logo
  Jokstad A, Mjör IA, Frazier, K. The teaching of all - ceramic restorations in Scandinavian dental schools. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 1996; 54: 200 - 204 [Online]. [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
  Jokstad A. Instruksjonskasetter for videomaskiner. Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 1990; 100: 544. [Online]  

Evidence Based Practice top

Lectures / courses Publications  
2016.12.Undergraduate curriculum and e-course on evidence based dentistry”. An Erasmus+ joint project Gazi university, Turkey; University Diderot Paris, France; University of Leuven, Belgium;  UiT The Arctic Universityof Norway; Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands   ec-ebd curriculum
Kunnskapsbasert behandlingsplanlegging og klinisk praksis. ++++ [Referanser] Den Norske Tannlegeforenings Landsmøte, Norway. 1 Nov 2013. 10.13140/RG.2.2.10717.82406 Jokstad A. Evidence Based Medicine Applied to Fixed Prosthodontics.Chapter 3. In: A Textbook of Fixed Prosthodontics. The Scandinavian Approach. Nilner K, Karlsson S, Dahl BL (eds). Stockholm: Gothia Fortbildning AB, 2013. ISBN 978-91-7205-796-8, pp. 52-74. Fixed Prosthodontics, The Scandinavian approach
Information Missing from Databases and Access Problems. International Association for Dental Research, Iguacu Falls, Brazil, June 20 2012. IADR Hands-On Workshop: Evidence-Based Dentistry: Challenges for Dental Research, Education and Practice.

Jokstad A. The Effectiveness of Lasers to Reduce Dentinal Hypersensitivity Remains Unclear. Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice 2011; 11: 178-179 & Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice 2012; 12(3 Suppl): 231-232

J Evidence Based Dental Practice
DEN1014 Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence Based Care. University of Toronto. School of Graduate Studies. Toronto, Canada. Jan-April 2012

Jokstad A. The evidence for endorsing the use of short dental implants remains inconclusive. Evidence Based Dentistry 2011;12, 99-101

Evidence Based Dentistry
DEN1014 Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence Based Care. University of Toronto. School of Graduate Studies. Toronto, Canada. Jan-April 2011 Jokstad A. Can dental implants osseointegrate in oral cancer patients? Evidence Based Dentistry 2011;12, 82-83 Evidence Based Dentistry
  Jokstad A. After 10 years seven out of ten fixed dental prostheses (FDP) remain intact and nine out of ten FDPs remain in function following biological and technical complications that have been repaired. Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice 2010; 10: 39-40. [Medline] [Elsevier] J Evidence Based Dental Practice
  Jokstad A. Patients undergoing craniofacial tumour ablation surgery may benefit from having the implants placed simultaneously instead of waiting. Evidence Based Dentistry 2010;11: 22-23 Evidence Based Dentistry
Discrepancies of Conclusions From Systematic Reviews on Oral Implants and Prosthetics. International Association for Dental Research, Barcelona, Spain. IADR Symposium. 7 July 2010. Tam L, Jokstad A. The bond between resin composite restorations and dentin may degrade in the mouth over time. Journal of Evidence Based Dental Practice 2010; 10:21-22. J Evidence Based Dental Practice
DEN1014 Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence Based Care. University of Toronto. School of Graduate Studies. Toronto, Canada. Jan-April 2010 Matthews J, Jokstad A, Clarkson J. Weak evidence suggests scaling and root planing may help people with diabetes improve glycemic control. Journal of the American Dental Association 2009; 140: 1144-1145. [Medline] [J Am Dent Assoc] J Am Dent Assoc
DEN1040 Clinical Epidemiology. University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies. Toronto, Canada. Jan-April 2009 Jokstad A. The NTI-tss device in the management of bruxism and TMD. Commentary. Evidence Based Dentistry 2009; 10: 12-14 Evidence Based Dentistry
Evidence-based practice is here to stay - it's time to empower dentists to implement the concept. Toronto Academy of Dentistry 70th Annual Winter Clinic. Toronto, Canada. 9 Nov 2007.    
How to use Systematic Reviews in clinical practice. SSPD, Scandinavian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry & Dansk Selskab for Oral Implantologi joint meeting. København, Danmark. 24 Aug 2007.    
Using EBM as a basis for Prosthodontic Treatment Planning.Quintessence Publishing Clinical Prosthodontics Workshop. Karlsruhe, Germany. 30 Oct 2006    
Dentale Implantater, kliniske studier. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet. Speciality course in Implant surgery. Oslo, Norway. 24 May 2005    
Evidence-based Practice in Dentistry. Why bother? University of Limpopo, Johannesburg & & University of West Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. 10 & 12 Apr 2005    
Evidence based medicine - Workshop. Study designs and their
power to answer research questions
. -- Guidelines according to AGREE instrument -- Guidelines development. Norwegian Research Council project on capacity building in evidence-based dentistry. 2nd South African Workshop on Evidence-based Oral Health Care. Centurion Lake, South Africa. 7 Apr 2005

Evidence-based Dentistry. NIOM, Nordic Institute for Dental Materials. Bærum, Norway. 1 Mar 2005    
Introduction to Evidence Based Dentistry. & EBD in underserved countries FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. New Delhi, India. 10 Sep 2004    
Temporomandibular disorders and evidence. Westmead Hospital Post Graduate Course. Sydney, Australia. 23 Aug 2004    

Evidence-based Dentistry 3 day course. 1.What is EBD -- 2.Where is the evidence -- 3.Principles of study designs -- 4.Asking answerable questions --5. Clinical question formulation -- 6.Critical appraisal of clinical studies -- 7.Randomized trials -- 8.Systematic Reviews -- 9.Guidelines development -- 10.AGREE instrument for guidelines. Norwegian Research Council project on capacity building in evidence-based dentistry. 1st South African Workshop on Evidence-based Oral Health Care. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. 16 -19 Jul 2004.

South Africa - Norway Programme on Research Cooperation

Evidence-based Dentistry - why bother? Hellenic Dental Association, 23rd Annual Convention. Athens, Greece. 30 Oct 2003    
Evidence-based Medicine in dental research. International Association of Dental Research. South-East Asia annual meeting. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 27 Sep 2003    
Evidence-based Dentistry. Day Course. Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. 25 Sep 2003    
Evidence-based Dental Practice. FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. Sydney, Australia. 22 Sep 2003 Jokstad A. No evidence supports differences in clinical performance of ceramic inlays and other posterior restorations. Evidence Based Dentistry, 2003; 4(2): 31.
Evidence Based Dentistry
Evidens-basert odontologi. Hva ligger i det? Den Norske Tannlegeforenings Landsmøte, Oslo, Norway. 11 Sep 2003    
1st Asia Pacific Evidence-based Medicine Workshop. 4 days workshop. Tutor. National University Hospital, Singapore. 22- 25 Jan 2003    
Biostatistics - Evidence-based Dentistry. National University of Singapore, Singapore. 21 Jan 2003.    
Evidence-based Dental Practice. 1/2 day course. Singapore Dental Association - Federation Dentaire Internationale 4th Joint Meeting. Singapore. 18 Jan 2003    
Evidence-based dentistry. Current international developments and trends European Public Health Association, 10th Annual Meeting. Dresden, Germany. 02 Dec 2002 Jokstad A. Current international developments and trends in Evidence-based dentistry. European Journal of Public Health, 2002; 12(4): 12 [Online] Eur J Public Health
Evidensbasert odontologi. Senter for Medisinsk metodevurdering (SMM). SINTEF Unimed. Oslo, Norway. 10 Oct 2002 Jokstad A. Tannlegepraksis i informasjonsalderen - evidensbasert odontologi kan kanskje forenkle vår arbeidssitasjon. In: Årsbok 2002. Grönroos L, Rosqvist N (eds). Helsinki: Odontologiska Samfundet i Finland, 2002, 9-17. Odontologiska Samfundet
Evidence-based dentistry: Science transfer from FDI. FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. Wien, Austria. 01 Oct 2002 Jokstad A. How long do fillings last? Evidence Based Dentistry, 2002; 3(4):96-99 Evidence Based Dentistry
What have we learned from systematic reviews of dental topics? International Association of Dental Research. 1st Pan-European meeting. Cardiff, Wales. 25 Sep 2002. Jokstad A. How long do dental restorations last? (Editorial). Evidence Based Dentistry, 2002; 3(4): 89-90 Evidence Based Dentistry
The joint FDI and IADR initiatives on Evidence-Based Dentistry. IADR Evidence-based Dentistry Network, Inaugural meeting. San Diego, California, USA. 9 Mar 2002 Jokstad A. Prosthodontics 21: towards a new era? (Editorial). Evidence Based Dentistry, 2002; 3(1): 2-4 Evidence Based Dentistry
Evidence-based Prosthodontics. 2 Day course -- 1.What is EBD -- 2.Searching for evidence -- 3.Asking answerable questions -- 3b. Clinical question formulation -- 4.Study design -- 5. Interventions 6.Applying evidence. --Day 2:Systematic Reviews --Indian Prosthodontic Society Pre-Conference course. Hyderabad, India. 21-22 Nov 2001    
Evidence-based dentistry. 2 day course. National University of Singapore, Singapore. 13 Oct 2001    
Adapting to the information age-- FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress Workshop. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 30 Sep 2001. -    
Tannlegepraksis i informasjonsalderen. Odontologiska Samfundet. Svartå, Finland. 15 Sep 2001    
Evidence-based dentistry. Day Course: Lectures : 1.Why EBD -- 2. Global activities -- 3.Clinical decisions and search for evidence -- 4. Asking answerable questions --5. Clinical question formulation -- 6. Choice of clinical study -- 7.Interventions -- 8. Quality of Reviews -- 9. RCTs and patient preferences --- 10. Quality of Guidelines -- 11. Quality of diagnostic tests -- 12. Implementing EBD in practice.-- 13. The Cohrane collaboration. University of Leuven Det odontologiske fakultet. Leuven, Belgium. 23 Aug 2001    
1. Randomized trials 2. What about non-RCT studies? First National Workshop on EBD. College of Dental Sciences, Davangere, India. 10 Mar 2001    
Informasjonsbehandling i odontologisk allmennpraksis Oslo Dental Society, MINUTES Oslo, Norway. 6 Feb 2001    
What is Evidence based dentistry? FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. Paris, France. 30 Nov 2000 Jokstad A. Teknikker for regenerering av periodontalt vev. Er de vitenskapelig dokumentert? Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende, 2000; 110: 570 - 575 -- [Online]. Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende
Focus on evidence-based dentistry. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet, Graduate studies. Core Curriculum. Oslo, Norway. 9 Nov 2000 Jokstad A. Evidens-basert medisin i den odontologiske hverdagen. I: Odontologi 2000. Hjørting - Hansen E (ed). København: Munksgaard, 2000, 247 - 261. ISBN 87-161-2268-2 [Online] Munksgaard Odontologi 2000
Evidensbasert oral medisin. Dagskurs. Odontologiska Institutionen i Jönköping, Sweden. 2 Nov 2000 Jokstad A. Evidence Based Medicine Applied to Fixed Prosthodontics. In: A Textbook of Fixed Prosthodontics. The Scandinavian Approach. Karlsson S, Nilner K, Dahl BL (eds). Stockholm: Förlagshuset Gothia, 2000, 337 - 356. ISBN 91-720-5280-5 [Online] Scandinavian Fixed Prosthodontics Textbook
Evidensbaserad Tandvård. Swedish Dental Association Riksstamman . Stockholm, Sweden. 30 Oct 2000 Jokstad A. Evidence - based dentistry at the FDI Meeting, Paris. (Editorial). Evidence Based Dentistry, 2000; 2: 86 - 87 Evidence Base Dentistry
Forskningsbasert odontologi. Akershus County Section chief dental officers meeting. Åsgårdstrand, Norway. 4 May 2000 Jokstad A. CEREC shows high survival rate at 4 years (Commentary). Evidence Based Dentistry, 2000; 2: 39. Evidence Based Dentistry
Evidens-basert medisin - Verdifullt for tannlegen. EBD applisert på ...laserbleking. Bergen Dental Society. MINUTES Bergen, Norway. 3 Mar 2000    
Clinical studies on GTR techniques - are they science-based? Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Graduate studies Seminar. Oslo, Norway. 24 Nov 1999 Jokstad A. Evidence - based medicine in dentistry. Nordic Newsletter on Evidence - Based Health Care, 1999, 3: 2 [Online]. Folkehelsa
Clinical studies on GTR techniques - are they science-based? Norwegian Association of Periodontology, 25-year celebration meeting, Oslo, Norway. 13 Nov 1999. Jokstad A. Evidensbasert medisin - relevant for tannleger? Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende, 1999; 109: 548 - 551 [Online]. Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende
  Jokstad A. The prognosis of amalgam restorations depends on the alloy composition. (Commentary). Evidence Based Dentistry, 1999; 1: 9 Evidence Based Dentistry
Evidence based dentistry. An introduction. Day course. University of Malmö Dental School. Malmö, Sweden. 3 Nov 1999 Jokstad A. Evidence-based healthcare: avoiding ivory tower research? Editorial. Evidence Based Dentistry, 1998; 1: 5-6. Evidence Based Dentistry

Health & Safety in Work Environment top

Lectures / Courses Publications  

Gussgard AM, Weese JS, Hensten A, Jokstad A. Dog‐assisted therapy in the dental clinic: Part A—Hazards and assessment of potential risks to the health and safety of humans. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research 2019:5(6): 692-700. [OPEN ACCESS]


Gussgard AM, Weese JS, Hensten A, Jokstad A. Dog‐assisted therapy in the dental clinic: Part B—Hazards and assessment of potential risks to the health and safety of the dental therapy dog. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research 2019:5(6): 701-711. [OPEN ACCESS]

  Jokstad A. Summary of: Thirty-five year review of a mercury monitoring service for Scottish dental practices. British Dental Journal 2011; 210:122-123. [Medline]. [Nature Publishing] Br Dent J 2011 (3)
  Jokstad A, Fan PL. Amalgam waste management. International Dental Journal, 2006; 56: 147-153. [Online]. [Medline] Int Dent J
  Jokstad A. Official FDI response to the Swedish Minister for Health regarding proposal to ban amalgam in Sweden. FDI June 2006 FDI Report
  Jokstad A. Official FDI response to Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Addition of Vitamins and Minerals and of certain other substances to foods. FDI Mar 2006 FDI Report
The Environmental Impacts of Dental Practice. FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. Sydney, Australia. 19 Sep 2003    
Estimating the Biological Effects of Dental Treatment and
Lebanese Dental Association 13th Annual Conference. Beirut, Lebanon. 29 Aug 2003
Dental Restorative Materials and General Health: Effects of Dental Treatment and Materials. FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. Wien, Austria. 03 Oct 2002    
Biological aspects of dental restorations with composites. Swiss Dental Association Annual meeting. Lausanne, Switzerland. 15 Jun 2001. Jokstad A, Morken T. Ervervsrelaterte hudplager. Utviklingen innen en gruppe tannleger i perioden mellom 1988 og 1998. Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende, 2001; 111: 606-609 -- [Online]. NTF Tidende
Bivirkninger og dentale fyllingsmaterialer i Norge Kariologi-Geilomøtet 2001. Department of Cariology of the Universities of Bergen & Oslo. Geilo, Norway. 27 Jan 2001.    
Kvikksølvforgiftning fastslått av lege - hva nå? Akershus County Public Dental Health Services. Mariaholm, Norway. 4 Jun 1992 Jokstad A, Thomassen Y, Bye E, Clench - Aas J, Aaseth J. Dental amalgam and mercury. Pharmacology & Toxicology, 1992; 70: 308 - 313. [Online] [Medline] Pharmacology & Toxicology
Bør amalgam forbys? Norsk forening for holistisk medisin. Oslo, Norway. 13 Mar 1992

Jokstad A, Løkken P, Aaseth J. Kvikksølv fra amalgam og anvendelse av kelatorer. Til nytte eller skade? Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende, 1992; 102: 272 - 276 [Online] & Tandlægebladet, 1993; 97: 93 - 97 [Online].

Nor Tannlegeforenings tidende
Dental amalgam and mercury toxicity. Minisymposium on "Metal toxicity and chelating agents". National Institute of Occupational Health, Oslo, Norway. 4 Mar 1992    
  Jokstad A, Leirskar J. Vedrørende Grønningsæter gruppens innstilling. Universitetet i DOF. Svar til norske helsemyndighter, 1990 University of Oslo Logo
Biotilgjengelighet av kvikksølv fra amalgam. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet. Postgraduate symposium. Oslo, Norway. 6 Dec 1989 Jokstad A. Mercury excretion and occupational exposure of dental personnel. Community Dentistry Oral Epidemiology, 1990; 18: 143 - 148. [Online] [Medline] Community Dent Oral Epidemiol
Man's mercury load from dental amalgams. Scandinavian Society of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine. Oslo, Norway. 11 Aug 1989. Bjørnsen J, Hansen M, Harboe L. M, Jokstad A, Roseth S. Toksisitet og subcellulær binding av kadmium hos sebrafisk. U i Oslo: Biologisk institutt. Prosjekt 6. 1, BIO 241. 10 Pp. Spring 1989. University of Oslo Logo
  Bjørnsen J, Hansen M, Harboe L. M, Jokstad A, Roseth S. Cytotoksisitet av glassionomersementer anvendt som tannfyllingsmateriale. U. i Oslo: Biologiskl institutt, Prosjekt 6. 2, BIO 241]. 8 Pp. spring 1989. University of Oslo Logo
  Jokstad A. Yrkesrelatert kontaktdermatitt og tannhelsepersonnel. Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende, 1989; 99: 48 - 57.[Online] [Medline] NTF Tidende
  Jokstad A. Kvikksølvforurensning i klinikken. Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende, 1988; 98: 466 - 468. [Online] [Medline] NTF Tidende
  Jokstad A. Kvikksølveksponering av tannleger. Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende, 1987; 97: 498 - 507.[Online] [Medline] NTF Tidende
  Jokstad A, Wandel N. Kvikksølvopptak på tannklinikker. En oversikt og rapport fra forholdene i Hordaland. Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende, 1986; 96: 585 - 588. [Online] [Medline] NTF Tidende

Implant prosthodontics top

Lecture / courses Publications  

Al-Nawas B, Lambert F, Andersen SWM, Bornstein MM, Gahlert M, Jokstad A, et al. Group 3 ITI Consensus Report: Materials and antiresorptive drug-associated outcomes in implant dentistry. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2023; 34 Suppl 26: 169-176.

  Mo A, Hjortsjö C, Jokstad A. Maxillary overdenture on three implants retained by low-profile stud attachments - A prospective cohort study. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2022; 49(11):1069-1079.  
Summarizing findings from the EAO Consensus Conference. Group 4. Fabrication, workflow and delivery of reconstruction. Just Ask. . EAO Channel Youtube webinar; 6 Dec 2021 Jokstad A, Pjetursson BE, Mühlemann S, Wismeijer D, Wolfart S, Fehmer V, Frederik Güth J, Paterno Holtzman L, Hämmerle CHF, Makarov N, Meijer HJA, Milinkovic I, Sailer I, Spitznagel FA, Vandeweghe S, Van de Velde T, Zwahlen M, Giertmuehlen PC. Fabrication, workflow and delivery of reconstruction: Summary and consensus statements of group 4. The 6th EAO Consensus Conference 2021. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2021; 32 Suppl 21: 336-341.  

Bassi F, Cicciù M, Di Lenarda R, Galindo Moreno P, Galli F, Herford AS, Jokstad A, Lombardi T, Nevins M, Sennerby L, Schierano G, Testori T, Troiano G, Vercellotti T, Stacchi C. Piezoelectric bone surgery compared with conventional rotary instruments in oral surgery and implantology: Summary and consensus statements of the International Piezoelectric Surgery Academy Consensus Conference 2019. Int J Oral Implantol (Berl). 2020; 13(3) : 235-239. [Online] [Pubmed]


Stacchi C, Bassi F, Troiano G, Rapani A, Lombardi T, Jokstad A, Sennerby L, Schierano G. Piezoelectric bone surgery for implant site preparation compared with conventional drilling techniques: A systematic review, meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. Int J Oral Implantol (Berl). 2020; 13(2) : 141-158. [Online] [Pubmed]

Oral rehabilitation on dental implants with a tapered compared to a non-tapered implant design. ITI Consensus Conferense & Annual Conference 2018, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 19 Apr 2018. Jung RE, Al‐Nawas B, Araujo M , Avila‐Ortiz G , Barter S , Brodala N , Chappuis V , Chen B , De Souza A , Faria Almeida R , Fickl S , Finelle G , Ganeles J , Gholami H , Hammerle C , Jensen S , Jokstad A , Katsuyama H , Kleinheinz J , Kunavisarut C , Mardas N , Monje A , Papaspyridakos P , Payer M , Schiegnitz E , Smeets R , Stefanini M , ten Bruggenkate C , Vazouras K , Weber HP , Weingart D , Windisch P. Group 1 ITI Consensus Report: The influence of implantlength and design and medications on clinical and patient‐ reported outcomes. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2018; 29(Suppl. 16): 69–77. [Medline] [OPEN ACCESS] Clin Oral Implants Res
  Jokstad A, Ganeles J. Systematic review of clinical and patient- reported outcomes following oral rehabilitation on dental implants with a tapered compared to a non- tapered implant design. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2018; 29(Suppl. 16): 41–54. [Medline] [OPEN ACCESS] Clin Oral Implants Res
  Jokstad A, Winnett B, Fava J, Powell D, Somogyi-Ganss E. Investigational Clinical Trial of a Prototype Optoelectronic Computer-Aided Navigation Device for Dental Implant Surgery. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants. 2018; 33(3): 679-692. [PrePublication] [Medline] Int J Oral Maxillofacial Implants
  Jokstad A, Gussgard AM, Fava J, Lin M, Shokati B, Somogyi-Ganss E, Winnett B, Zahran M. Benchmarking Outcomes in Implant Prosthodontics: Partial Fixed Dental Prostheses and Crowns Supported by Implants with a Turned Surface over 10 to 28 Years at the University of Toronto. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2017; 32(4): 880–892. [PrePublication] [Medline] Int J Oral Maxillofacial Implants
Esthetic outcomes for single implants in the anterior maxilla and dimensions of the peri-implant hard and soft tissues. FDI Annual World Dental Congress. Poznan, Poland. 9 September 2016. Jokstad A, Sanz M, Ogawa T, Bassi F, Levin L, Wennerberg A, Romanos G. A Systematic Review of the Role of Implant Design in the Rehabilitation of the Edentulous Maxilla. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants 2016; 31(suppl): s43–s57. .[PrePublication] [Medline] Int J Oral Maxillofacial Implants
Role of the implant design on immediate loading. Critical appraisal of the evidence from clinical trials. AADR American Association for Dental Research, IRG Symposium. Boston, MA, USA. Mar 16 2015. Mo A, Hjortsjö C, Olsen-Bergem H, Jokstad A. Maxillary 3-implant removable prostheses without palatal coverage on Locator abutments - a case series.. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2015 Nov 14. [PrePublication] [Medline] Clin Oral Implants Res

Winnett B, Tenenbaum HC, Ganss B, Jokstad A. Perioperative use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs might impair dental implant osseointegration. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2016;27(2): e1-7. [PrePublication] [Medline]

Clin Oral Implants Res
Current Best Evidence for Management of the Edentulous Maxilla. Role of Implant Designs and Surgical Approaches. Group II Presentation of Systematic Review. Academy of Osseointegration. Chicago, IL, USA. 7 August 2014. Fava J, Lin ME, Zahran M, Jokstad A. Single Implant-Supported Crowns in the Aesthetic Zone: Patient Satisfaction with Aesthetic Appearance Compared with appraisals by Laypeople and Dentists. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2015; 26(10): 1113-1120. doi.: 10.1111/clr.12412 [PrePublication] [Medline][Wiley] Clin Oral Implants Res
Implant prosthodontic complications and challenges. Danish Society for Oral Implantology, Annual meeting, Vejle. Danmark. Oct 29 2013. Jokstad A, Alkumru H. Immediate function on the day of surgery compared with a delayed implant loading process in the mandible: a randomized clinical trial over 5 years. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2014; 25(12):1325-1335. [Medline][OPEN ACCESS] Clin Oral Implants Res
  Jokstad A, Alkumru H. Mandibular full-arch FDPs on four immediate-load implants after 4 years. J Dent Res 91(Spec Iss A): Abstract number 337, 2012. IADR 2012 Iguacu Falls
How to Plan a Randomized Clinical Trial Focused on Implant Therapies. AADR American Association for Dental Research, Lunch & Learning, Tampa, Florida Mar 22 2012. Jokstad A, Alkumru H. Immediate load full-arch mandibular implant-retained FDPs over 3-years RCT. J Dent Res 91(Spec Iss A): Abstract number 430, 2012. aadr 2012 tampa
  Teigen K, Jokstad A. Dental implant suprastructures using cobalt-chromium alloy compared with gold alloy framework veneered with ceramic or acrylic resin: a retrospective cohort study up to 18 years. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2012; 23(7): 853-860. [PrePublication][Medline][Wiley] Clin Oral Implants Res

Jokstad A, Fava J, Gussgard A, Lin M, Paculanan R, Shokati B, Somogyi-Ganss E, Winnett B, Zahran M. Retrospective analyses of patients with one or more implant-retained partial fixed dental prostheses. Europerio 7, Wien, Austria. 2012.6.7 Abstract # 550. [Poster]

The SAC Assessment Tool 2. Early & Immediate loading of oral implants. ITI Canadian Section, Education Week, Bloorview-Macmillan Hospital, Toronto, Canada. Oct 26 2011 Jokstad A, Ellner S, Gussgard A. Comparison of two Early Loading Protocols in Full Arch Reconstructions in the Edentulous Maxilla using the Cresco Prosthetic System. A 3-arm parallel group Randomised Controlled Trial. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2011 22(5): 455-463. [PrePublication] [Medline][Wiley] Clin Oral Implants Res
Early Loading Maxillary Cresco Full Arch Reconstructions. An RCT trial. ITI USA Congress, Boca Raton, Florida. Apr 8 2011. Jokstad A, Ellner S, Gussgard A. Early Loading Maxillary Cresco Full Arch Reconstructions. An RCT trial. Oral Presentation slides --- Abstract: J Dent Res 90(Spec Iss A): Abstract number 1765, 2011. iadr logo
  Jokstad A. Osseointegration and Dental Implants. Ames, Iowa: Wiley, 2009, ISBN 978-0-8138-1341-
Osseointegration and Dental Implants Textbook
How to Plan a Randomized Clinical Trial Focused on Implant Therapies. IADR International Association for Dental Research, Lunch & Learning. San Diego, California. Mar 16 2011 Lin MHE, Jokstad A. A Toronto Practice Based Research Network for Dental Implant Research. J Dent Res 88(Spec Iss A): Abstract number 3393, 2009. iadr logo

Immediate and Early loading. & The SAC Classification system. ITI Canadian Section, Education Week, Holland-Bloorview, Toronto, Oct 27 2010

The Toronto Osseointegration Conference Celebrates the Past and Looks to the Future. Journal of Canadian Dental Association 2008; 74(8): 690-691[Online] J Can Dental Association
Designing clinical trials to study early/immediate loading of dental implants. IADR International Association for Dental Research, Lunch&Learning. Barcelona Spain. July 10 2010. Jokstad A. Toronto Osseointegration Conference Revisited. Alumni Today Fall 2008 23 alumni today
The Scientific Basis for Implant Dentistry Practice. Toronto Institute for Dental Excellence Inc. Toronto, Canada . 23 Jan 2010 The CDA Teaching Conference on Implant Education, a Success. Journal of Canadian Dental Association 2008; 74(8): 581 [JCDA OPEN ACCESS] J Can Dental Association

Quality of Implants. & Searching for the evidence on dental implant therapy & Conducting a Systematic Review on an implant topic. Osseointegration Study Club of South California. Los Angeles, California, USA. 7 Jan 2010

Jokstad A. Oral Implants- The future. Australian Dental Journal 2008; 53 Suppl 1:S89-93] [Online] [Medline]
Australian Dental J

The Scientific Basis for Implant Dentistry Practice. University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. 10 Nov 2009

Jokstad A. Osseointegration and dental implant research - the contributions from the University of Toronto. Journal of Canadian Dental Association 2008; 74(1): 47-50. [JCDA OPEN ACCESS] J Can Dental Association

What is the current scientific understanding of immediate and  early loading of implants? University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 9 Nov 2009

Gotfredsen K, Carlsson GE, Jokstad A. Implants and/or teeth. Editorial. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2008; 35 Suppl 1:1. [Online]. [Medline] J Oral Rehabil
What have we learned from clinical trials about early loading of implants? Toronto Osseointegration Conference Revisited. Toronto, Canada. 10 May 2008 Gotfredsen K, Carlsson GE, Jokstad A et al. : Implants and/or teeth: consensus statements and recommendations. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2008; 35 (Suppl 1): 2-8. [Online]. [Medline] J Oral Rehabil
Dental Implant Therapy- Trends and Literature Critical Appraisal. Deans Seminar. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA. 14 Feb 2008 Jokstad A, Carr AB. What is the effect on outcomes of time-to-loading of a fixed or removable prosthesis placed on implant(s)? International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 2007; 22: Supplement 19 – 48. [Online]. [Medline] Int J Oral Maxillofacial Implants
Conventional vz. implant-supported prosthesis - don't all our patients want dental implants? Dental Pan Society Conference. Birmingham, UK. 16 Nov 2007 Al-Fadda S, Chvartzsaid D, Preston K, David L, Jokstad A. Clinical Outcomes of Immediately Loaded Implant-Supported Mandibular Fixed Prostheses. J Dent Res 86(Spec Iss A): Abstract number 0053 2007. iadr logo
Dental Implant Therapy - Trends and Literature Critical Appraisal. American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics, Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA. 23 Feb 2007 . VIDEO (138 Mb) Teigen K, Jokstad A. A retrospective 19 years study of Chrome-Cobalt vz. Gold-alloy Implant Superstructures. J Dent Res 86(Spec Iss A): Abstract number 2604 2007. iadr logo
The Future of Dental Implants. 1 Day course. Cochrane SR resumes & Clinical relevance of animal studies & Study methodologies & Osseointegration Study Club of South California . Los Angeles, California, USA. 12 Jan 2007 Jokstad A. Hvorfor forskjellige implantatsystemer? I: Odontologi 2007. Holmstrup, P (ed). København: Munksgaard, 2007, 71 - 88. [Online]. Munksgaard Odontologi 2007
Are Implants Right for You? Public Lecture. University of Toronto Det odontologiske fakultet, Public Open Day, Toronto, Canada. 4 Dec 2006. Jokstad A. Implant retained or conventional dentures, which give more patients satisfaction? (Commentary). Evidence Based Dentistry, 2006;7(4):96-7. [Nature]. [Medline]
Evidence Based Dentistry 2006
Quality of Dental Implants. Academy of Prosthodontics, Annual Meeting. San Francisco, California. 15 May 2006. Jokstad A. Implant survival in augmented maxillary sinus is more variable than that of implants placed in posterior maxilla. (Commentary). Evidence Based Dentistry 2005;6(4):99. [Nature]. [Medline] Evidence Based Dentistry
Recommending a removable denture instead of an implant based prosthesis - why and when? - DGZW and Swiss Society for Reconstructive Dentistry Joint Meeting. Basel, Switzerland. 27 Apr 2006 Jokstad A. Ninety-four per cent of combined tooth-implant fixed partial dentures survive 5 years. (Commentary). Evidence Based Dentistry 2005;6(4):98. [Nature]. [Medline] Evidence Based Dentistry
What is the effect on outcomes of time-to-loading of a fixed or removable prosthesis placed on implant(s)? Academy of Osseointegration, State of the Science of Implant Dentistry Meeting. Chicago , IL, USA. 20 Apr 2006 Jokstad A. Common complications with implants and implant prostheses. (Commentary). Evidence Based Dentistry, 2004; 5(3): 70-71. [Online] [Medline] Evidence Based Dentistry 2004
Dentale Implantater, kliniske studier. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet. Speciality course in Implant surgery. Oslo, Norway. 24 May 2005 Carlsson GE, Kronström M, de Baat C, Cune M, Davis D, Garefis P, Heo SJ, Jokstad A, Matsuura M, Närhi T, Ow R, Pissiotis A, Sato H, Zarb GA. A Survey of the Use of Mandibular Implant Overdentures in 10 Countries. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2004; 17: 211-217[Online]. [Medline] Int J Prosthod
Tannimplantater og kvalitet. Den Norske Tannlegeforenings Landsmøte, Norway. 6 Oct 2004 Jokstad A, Braegger U, Brunski JB, Carr AB, Naert I, Wennerberg A. Quality of Dental Implants. International Dental Journal, 2003; 53 Supplement 2: 409-433.[Online] [Medline] & International Journal of Prosthodontics 2004; 17: 607-641. Int Dent JInt J Prosthod
  Coulthard P, Esposito M, Jokstad A, Worthington HV. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: bone augmentation techniques for dental implant treatment. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2003, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD003607- Cochrane Systematic Review
  Coulthard P, Esposito M, Worthington HV, Jokstad A. Therapeutic use of hyperbaric oxygen for irradiated dental patients: a systematic review. Journal of Dental Education 2003; 67: 64-68 [Online]. J Dent Educ
  Coulthard P, Esposito M, Jokstad A,Worthington HV. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: surgical techniques for placing dental implants. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2003(1) CD003606----- Cochrane Systematic Review
  Esposito M, Coulthard P, Worthington HV, Jokstad A, Wennerberg A. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: different types of dental implants (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library,2002(4) CD003815.----- Cochrane Systematic Review
  Coulthard P, Esposito M, Worthington HV, Jokstad A. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: preprosthetic surgery versus dental
implants. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2002(4) CD003604-----
Cochrane Systematic Review
  Coulthard P, Esposito M, Worthington HV, Jokstad A. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: hyperbaric oxygen therapy for irradiated patients who require dental implants. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2002(3) CD003603 ---- Cochrane Systematic Review
  Esposito M, Worthington HV, Coulthard P, Jokstad A. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: maintaining and re-establishing healthy tissues around dental implants. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2002(3) CD003069 ---- Cochrane Systematic Review
  Jokstad A, Carr A, Esposito M, Coulthard P, Worthington HV. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: partially absent dentition (Protocol).The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2002 CD003814 ------ Cochrane Systematic Review
  Jokstad A, Carr A, Esposito M, Coulthard P, Worthington HV. Interventions for replacing missing teeth: totally absent dentition (Protocol). The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2002 CD003810. --- Cochrane Systematic Review
  Esposito M, Coulthard P, Worthington HV, Jokstad A. Quality Assessment of Randomized Controlled Trials of Oral Implants. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 2001; 16(6): 783 - 792[Online] & [Medline] Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants

Occlusion & Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD)top

Lectures / Courses Publications  
  Ohrbach R, editor . Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders: Assessment Instruments . Version 15May2016 [Diagnostiske kriterier for temporomandibulære forstyrrelser (TMD): Vurderingsverktøy : Norwegian Version 28Apr2019]. Jokstad A, Bjørnland T, Dahl BL, Hansen TL, Hjortsjø C, Heggem Julsvoll E, Mo A, Olsen -Bergem H, Stendal Robinson H, Slåttelid Skeie M , Trans. /  
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) Hva er hensiktsmessige og korrekte oversettelser av sentrale ord og uttrykk til norsk?Nettverksamling TMD. Kompetansesenteret Tannhelse Rogaland. Stavanger, Norge. 24 Apr 2018.    
Hva bør jeg som tanntekniker kunne om bittfunksjon? NTTFs fagsamling 2017. Norges Tannteknikerforbund. Oslo. 22 Sep 2017 Graue AM, Jokstad A, Assmus J, Skeie MS. Prevalence amongst adolescents in Bergen, Western Norway of temporomandibular disorders according to the DC/TMD criteria and examination protocol. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica 2016; 74(6): 449-455. [PrePublication][Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
Temporomandibulære forstyrrelser. NPE, Norsk Pasientskade Erstatning. Internkurs for saksbehandlere, Oslo, Norway. 16 Mai 2014.    
DEN1017 TMD. University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies. Toronto, Canada. Jan-April 2012 Jokstad A. Some evidence for the management temporomandibular joint disorders. Evidence Based Dentistry 2012; 13, 27-28 [Medline] [Nature Publishing]  
Methodological Challenges in the Study of Dental Occlusion. Colloquium on Oral Rehabilitation. CORE 2011. Xi'an, China. Oct 21 2011. Jokstad A. Methodological Challenges in the Study of Dental Occlusion. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2012; 39(7): 480-488. [PrePublication] [Medline] [Wiley] J Oral Rehabil
DEN1016 Occlusion. University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies. Toronto, Canada. Jan-April 2011    
Prosthetic Rehabilitation and the TMD patient: when and what? European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders. Naples, Italy. Sep 30 2010    
TMD Graduate Course. DEN1017S University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies. Toronto, Canada. Jan-April 2010. Course evaluation    
Occlusion Graduate Course, DEN1016. University of Toronto School of Graduate Studiesy. Toronto, Canada. Jan-April 2009    
TMD Graduate Course. DEN1017S. -- EBD and TMD. University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies. Toronto, Canada. Jan-April 2008    
TMD Graduate Course. DEN106S Occlusion. University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies. Toronto, Canada. Jan-April 2007 Türp JC, Jokstad A, Motschall E, Schindler HJ, Windecker-Gétaz I, Ettlin DA. Is there a superiority of multimodal as opposed to simple therapy in patients with temporomandibular disorders? A qualitative systematic review of the literature. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 2007; 18 Suppl 3. 138-150. [Online] . [Medline] Clin Oral Implants Res
Occlusion Graduate Course. DEN1016S. University of Toronto School of Graduate Studies. Toronto, Canada. Jan-April 2006    
Registration of jaw movements Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Graduate course in Oral Biology. Oslo, Norway. 19 Feb 2005    
Tyggeapparates biologi - fysiologi.. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet graduate course in Oral Biology. Oslo, Norway. 12 Feb 2005 Jokstad A, Mo A, Krogstad BS. Clinical comparison between two different splint designs for temporomandibular disorder therapy. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 2005; 63: 218-226 [Online]. [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
Concepts of occlusal form in restorative treatment for stability and optimal function. Westmead Hospital . Symposium on Evidence based prosthodontics - an international perspective. Sydney, Australia. 27 Aug 2004 Mo A, Jokstad A, Krogstad BS, Dahl BL. TMD therapy using two occlusal splint designs. J Dent Res 83(Spec Iss A): Abstract #1992, 2004. IADR logo
Temporomandibular disorders and evidence. Westmead Hospital Post Graduate Residents Course. Sydney, Australia. 23 Aug 2004 Mo A, Jokstad A, Krogstad BS, Dahl BL. TMD therapy using two different occlusal splint designs. British Society for the Study of Prosthetic Dentistry annual meeting. April 2004. Latimer, Buckinghamshire, U.K. POSTER
Tyggefunksjonen. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Graduate course. Oslo, Norway. 3 Mar 2004 Mo A, Jokstad A, Krogstad BS, Dahl BL. Bittskinnebehandling ved kjeveleddsproblemer (TMD). En klinisk sammenligning mellom NTI-skinne og stabiliseringsskinne. Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende, 2004; 114(15): 822-827 -- [Online]. NTF Tidende
TMD and Evidence-based medicine Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet graduate course in Oral Biology. Oslo, Norway. 10 Jan 2002    
Occlusal splint thickness influence on treatment outcome. European Society of Oral Physiology Biennual meeting. Göteborg, Sweden. May 1999 Krogstad BS, Jokstad A, Dahl BL, Soboleva, U. Somatic complaints, psychological distress and treatment outcome in two groups of TMD - patients, one previously subjected to whiplash injury. Journal of Orofacial Pain, 1998; 12: 136 - 144. [Online] -- [Medline] J Orofacial Pain
Impacts of evidence health medicine on treatment of TMD. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet. Post-graduate course on oral physiology. Oslo, Norway. 26 Jan 1999 Soboleva U, Jokstad A, Eckersberg T, Dahl BL. Chewing movements in TMD - patients and a control group before and after use of a stabilization splint. International Journal of Prosthodontics, 1998; 11: 158 - 164. [Online][Medline] Int J Prosthod
Mandibular chewing movements Scandinavian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry Annual Meeting. Reykjavik, Iceland. 21 Aug 1997 Krogstad BS, Jokstad A, Dahl BL, Vassend O. The reporting of pain, somatic complaints, and anxiety in a group of TMD - patients before and two years treatment. Sex differences. Journal of Orofacial Pain, 1996; 10: 263 - 269 [Online] -- [Medline] J Orofacial pain

Okklusjon og TMD. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Postgraduate seminar. Oslo, Norway. 14 Oct 1992

Krogstad BS, Jokstad A, Dahl BL, Vassend O. Relationships between risk factors and treatment outcome in a group of patients with Temporomandibular disorders. Journal of Orofacial Pain, 1996; 10: 48 - 53. [Online]---[Medline] J Orofacial pain

Oral Cancer top

Lectures / Courses Publications  
  Gussgard AM, Jokstad A, Wood R, Hope AJ, Tenenbaum H. Symptoms Reported by Head and Neck Cancer Patients during Radiotherapy and Association with Mucosal Ulceration Site and Size: An Observational Study. PLoS One. 2015 Jun 10;10(6):e0129001. [Medline]---[PLOS One OPEN ACCESS] Plos1
  Gussgard A, Jokstad A, Hope AJ, Wood R, Tenenbaum H. Radiation-Induced Mucositis in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer: Should the Signs or the Symptoms be Measured? Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 2015;81:f11 [Medline] [JCDA OPEN ACCESS] JCDA Cover
  Gussgard AM, Hope A, Jokstad A, Tenenbaum H, Wood R. Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Induced Oral Mucositis Using a Patient-Reported Oral Mucositis Experience Questionnaire. PLoS ONE 2014. [PLOS One OPEN ACCESS] Plos1
  Gussgard AM, Wood R, Glogauer M, Hope A, Jokstad A, Tenenbaum H. Oral Mucositis in Head and Neck Cancer Patients undergoing Radiotherapy recorded by the use of a patient reported oral mucositis scale (PROMS) questionnaire. 8th International Conference on Head & Neck Cancer, Toronto, Canada, 2012, Presentation #P020. head&erck society
  Gussgard A, Wood B, Glogauer M, Hope A, Jokstad A, Tenenbaum H. Oral Mucositis Experience in Head and Neck Cancer Patients. J Dent Res 90(Spec Iss A): Abstract number 3634, 2011. iadr logo
  Gussgard AM, Wood R, Glogauer M, Hope A, Jokstad A, Tenenbaum HC. Oral mucositis in head and neck cancer patients using the patient reported oral mucositis score (PROMS). Abstract #702. Support Care Cancer 2011; 19 (Suppl 2): S309. mascc
  Gussgard AM, Wood R, Glogauer M, Jokstad A, Tenenbaum HC. Oral mucositis associated with head and neck cancer therapy. Journal of Oral Microbiology 2011; 3: 7374. OPEN ACCESS jom
  Jokstad A. Can dental implants osseointegrate in oral cancer patients? Evidence Based Dentistry 2011;12, 82-83 [Medline] [Nature Publishing] Evidence Based Dentistry
  Jokstad A. Patients undergoing craniofacial tumour ablation surgery may benefit from having the implants placed simultaneously instead of waiting. Evidence Based Dentistry 2010;11: 22-23 [Medline] [Nature Publishing] Evidence Based Dentistry

Prosthodontics, Conventionaltop

Lectures / Courses Publications  
Dentale keramer – hvilke produkter velger du og hvorfor?. Årsmøtet 2021. Norsk Forening for Oral Protetikk. Oslo. 18 Nov 2021.    
Permanent sementering av fast protese til tann - hvordan adhesjon? Seminar for Klinikkveiledere Universitetstannklinikken, UTK. Tromsø, 8 Mars 2019. Jokstad A, Pettersson M, Øilo M. Retensjon av sementerte protetiske erstatninger. Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende 2021; 131(6): 576-585 & Tandlægebladet 2021: 125: 546-554  
Slitt bitt , et mareritt ? Klinisk praksis basert på vitenskapelig evidens. Den Norske Tannlegeforenings Landsmøte, Lillestrøm, Norway. 29 October 2015.    
The periodontal patient from a prosthodontist's view. Den Norske Periodontistforenings årsmøte, Geilo, Norway. 1 Feb 2014. Ayliffe BW, Bressmann T, Al Mardini M, Jokstad A. Evaluation of a modular palatal lift prosthesis with a silicone velar lamina for hypernasal patients. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry 2014 2014: 112: 663-671. [PrePublication] [Medline] [Elsevier] J Prosthet Dent
Innovative Biomaterials Research under the Northern Lights. SciTech Europe 2012, The Square, Brussels, Belgium, Nov 20 2012 Zahran MH, El-Mowafy O, Jokstad A, Tam L, Rizkalla A. Fracture Fatigue Resistance and Fracture Strength of Zirconia -Machinable Ceramic Crowns. J Dent Res 92(Spec Iss A): Abstract number 504, 2013 iadr logo
  Jokstad A. Chapter 6. Prognosis and Evidence Based Prosthodontics. In: A Textbook of Removable Prosthodontics. The Scandinavian Approach. Thoren MM, Gunne J (eds). København: Munksgaard Danmark, 2012. ISBN 87-62809-555, pp. 85-99. Removable prosthodontics textbook
Current Clinical Research in Prosthodontics of Importance for the Practicing Dentist. Toronto Academy of Dentistry Winter Clinic. Toronto, Canada. Nov 4, 2011 Zahran MH, El-Mowafy O, Jokstad A, Tam L, Rizkalla A. Fracture Strength of Machinable Ceramic-Zirconia Discs: Effect of Thickness Ratio. J Dent Res 91(Spec Iss A): Abstract number 226, 2012. aadr 2012 tampa
  Zahran MH, Jokstad A, Tam L, Rizkalla A, El-Mowafy O. Fracture Strength of Porcelain-Zirconia Discs: Effect of Varying Thickness Ratio. J Dent Res 90(Spec Iss A): Abstract number 3212, 2011. iadr logo
Long-Term Clinical Performance of Fixed FDPs Depends on Alloy Selection. Keynote address. International Association for Dental Research, San Diego, California. Mar 17 2011. Jokstad A. Long-Term Clinical Performance of Fixed FDPs Depends on Alloy Selection. J Dent Res 90(Spec Iss A): Abstract number 455, 2011. iadr logo
  Zahran MH, El-Mowafy O, Jokstad A, Tam L, Rizkalla A. Characterization of the Interface Between Zirconia and Veneering Porcelain. J Dent Res 89(Spec Iss A): Abstract number 225, 2010 AADR Tampa
Dagskurs. Bevegelse mot Forbedret Estetikk. Oversikt: 1. Tannslitasje - 2. Trauma - 3. Singletann-tapet - 4. Det Overplomberte resttannsettet .5: Flytskjema: Pasientbehandling. Arr.: Norsk Dental Depot, Fornebu, Norway. 13 Mar 2009 Jokstad A. The Evidence-Based approach to prosthodontic practice and research (Editorial). International Journal of Prosthodontics 2007; 20: 376-77. [Medline]---[Online] Int J Prosthodont
Challenges for prosthodontic materials. University of Toronto , Det odontologiske fakultet DEN 1052 Biomaterials graduate course. Toronto, Canada. 20 April 2008 Jokstad A, Türp JC. Functional aspects. Consensus report of Working Group 3. Clinical Oral Implants Research 2007; 18 Suppl 3. 189-192. [Medline] --- [Online] Clin Oral Implants Res
Evidence Based Prosthodontics. Deans Seminar. University of Florida. Gainesville, Florida , USA. 14 Feb 2008 Jokstad A. Point of Care - Prosthodontics Issues. Journal of Canadian Dental Association, 2006; 72(3): 223-231 [JCDA OPEN ACCESS]. J Can Dental Association
Integrating Evidence Based Medicine in Prosthodontic Practice. International College of Prosthodontists Biennial Meeting. Fukuoka, Japan. 8 Sep 2007 Jokstad A, Göcke M, Hjortsjö C. A systematic review of the scientific documentation of fixed partial dentures made from fibre reinforced polymer to replace missing teeth. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2005; 18: 489-496. [Online] --- [Medline] Int J Prosthodont
Treatment planning for the lost permanent incisor(s) in adolescents. Annual Update in Dentistry. Hospital for Sick Kids, Toronto, Canada. 12 Feb 2007 Jokstad A. A split mouth randomized clinical trial of single crowns retained with resin-modified glassionomer and zinc phosphate luting cements. International Journal of Prosthodontics 2004; 17: 411-416. [Online] -- [Medline]. 1994: Prosjektprotokoll. Int J Prosthodont
Using EBM as a basis for Prosthodontic Treatment Planning. Quintessence Publishing Clinical Prosthodontics Workshop. Karlsruhe, Germany. 30 Oct 2006 Jokstad A. Modern prosthodontics research. (Commentary). Journal of Canadian Dental Association, 2003; 69(11): 742 [Online]. J Can Dental Association
New materials and treatment procedures in fixed prosthodontics. Toronto Academy of Dentistry 68th Annual Winter Clinic. Toronto, Canada. 4 Nov 2005    
Integrating EBM in prosthodontic practice. European Prosthodontic Association Annual Meeting. Poznan, Poland. 3 Sep 2005 Jokstad A. Metallfrie rotstifter. Focus for Tannleger 2002 Oct: 5 Focus for tannleger 2002
New materials and procedures in prosthodontics. Turkish Dental Association Annual Meeting. Istanbul, Turkey. 24 Jun 2005 Jokstad A, Esposito M, Coulthard P, Worthington HV. The Reporting of Randomized Controlled Trials in Prosthodontics. International Journal of Prosthodontics, 2002; 15(3): 230-242 [Online] -- [Medline] Int J Prosthod
Prognose i protetikk. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet. Postgraduate course. Oslo, Norway. 24 May 2005 Jokstad A, Ørstavik J. Prognose i protetikk - hva skal vi fortelle pasienten?. I: Odontologi 2002. Holmstrup P (ed). København: Munksgaard, 139 - 153. ISBN 87-628-0365-4. Munksgaard Odontologi 2002
Batchelor Course for Dental Hygienists: 1.Helproteser - de vanligste problemene -- 2. Rebasering av proteser -- 3. Temporære fyllinger -- 4. Temporær bro -- 5 Avtrykk - problem og løsninger Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet. . Oslo, Norway. 12-13 Apr 2005    
  Jokstad A. Prosthodontics 21: Toward a New Era? (Editorial). International Journal of Prosthodontics, 2001; 14(2): 105-106 [Online] -- [Medline] Int J Prosthod
  Jokstad A, Gunne J, Isidor F, Ragnarsson E, Raustia A. Oral Protetikk i Norden. Scandinavian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry, ISBN 82 - 91757143, Stockholm, 2000 Oral
Forskningsaktiviteten ved avdeling for protetikk og bittfunksjon i Oslo Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Postgraduate course on Research. Oslo, Norway. 20 Mar 2005 Jokstad A, Øilo G. Sementer i fast protetikk. Scandinavian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry, 49 Pp. ISBN 82 - 91757089, ISSN 1104 - 8964, Stockholm, 1999 SSPD Rapport 1999
Hvornår er det fornuftig at inføre nye behandlinger? Evidensbaseret protetikterapi. Dansk Tandlægeforening. Aarskursus. København, Danmark. 12 Mar 2005 Jokstad A. Clinical trial of gingival retraction cords. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 1999; 81: 258 - 261. [Online]-- [Medline] J Prosthet Dent
Brannslukking i protetikk. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Postgraduate course for Dental Hygienists. Oslo, Norway. 15 Jan 2005 Jokstad A, Ørstavik J, Ramstad T. A Definition of Prosthetic Dentistry. International Journal of Prosthodontics, 1998; 11: 295 - 301 [Online] [Medline] Int J Prosthodont
Samarbeid tannlege - tanntekniker - Norsk Tanntekniker forbund. Landsmøte. Lillestrøm, Norway. 6 Oct 2004 Valderhaug J, Jokstad A, Ambjørnsen E, Norheim PW. Assessment of the periapical and clinical status of crowned teeth over 25 years. Journal of Dentistry, 1997; 25: 97 - 105. [Online] --[Medline] J Dentistry
Luting agents - Can we identify the best luting cement from clinical studies? FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. New Delhi, India. 10 Sep 2004 Jokstad A. Dentale materialer og hjelpemidler til fremstilling av proteser. Kompendium. 3rd ed. 1997 Prosthodontic materials
The evidence for Ceramo-metal and/or all ceramic crowns. Westmead Hospital . Symposium on Evidence based prosthodontics - an international perspective. Sydney, Australia. 27 Aug 2004    
Protetikk: nye materialer og nye metoder. Østfold Tannlegeselskap. Moss, Norway. 24 Mar 2004    
New materials and treatments in prosthodontics. Lebanese Dental Association, 13th Annual Conference. Beirut, Lebanon. 28 Aug 2003    
Protetikk: nye materialer og nye metoder Sunmøre Dental Society. Ålesund, Norway 4 Apr 2003    
Protetikk: nye materialer og nye metoder. Den Norske Tannlegeforenings Landsmøte, Oslo, Norway. 10 Oct 2002    
Removable prosthodontics, low cost but high benefits? -- Scientific Evidence level of Research in Oral Prosthetics.. Indian Prosthodontic Society Annual Conference, Film City, Hyderabad, India. 24 Nov 2001    
Prognose i protetikk. Vil mitt arbeide holde? 2 Day Course Odontologiska Samfundet. Svartå, Finland. 15 Sep 2001    
Is there such thing as correct therapy in prosthodontics? College of Dental Sciences, Davangere, India. 13 Mar 2001    
Fixed versus removable prosthodontics: higher costs, but higher benefits? Swiss Society for Prosthetic Dentistry. Annual Meeting. Lucerne, Switzerland. 13 Oct 2000    
Er der en rigtig behandling? Dansk Tandlægeforening. Aarskursus. København, Danmark. 24 Mar 2000    
God protetikk nar pengene ikke strekker til. --2: Planlegging -- 3:Kasus -- Vest Agder Tannlegeselskap. Kristiansand, Norway. 11 Nov 1999    
Anteriora entandsluckan- olika protetiske lösningar. En evidens-basert tilnærming. Swedish Dental Association, Riksstamman. Gøteborg, Sweden. 8 Oct 1999 Jokstad A, Mjör IA. Ten years' clinical evaluation of three luting cements. Journal of Dentistry, 1996; 24: 309 - 315. [Online] --[Medline] J Dentistry
God protetik när pengarna inte räcker till. Kostnadsaspekter på kort och lång sikt.. Swedish Dental Association. Riksstamman. Stockholm, Sweden. 13 Nov 1998    
Standard helprotesefremstilling. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Clinical Demonstrator course. Oslo, Norway. 25 Aug 1998    

25 year follow-up of fixed prosthodontics. Scandinavian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry. Annual meeting. Oslo, Norway. 20 Aug 1998

Kompetansehevende kurs i protetikk. Oppland Offentlige Tannhelsetjeneste. Lillehammer, Norway. 28 May 1997

Prosthetic treatment in light of epidemiology and basic research. Buskerud & Oppland Offentlige Tannhelsetjeneste. Dental Faculty. Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo, Norway. 16 Mar 1997

Avtrykksmaterialer. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Graduate Faculty Seminar. Oslo, Norway. 27 Nov 1993

Bruk av patentfester. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Postgraduate seminar. Oslo, Norway. 8 Sep 1993

Faste protesers ytre form. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Postgraduate seminar. Oslo, Norway. 26 Feb 1992

Oral Adaptasjon til helproteser. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Postgraduate seminar. Oslo, Norway. 17 Feb 1992

Helprotesebehandling. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Postgraduate seminar. Oslo, Norway. 11 Dec 1991

Valderhaug J, Ellingsen JE, Jokstad A. Oral hygiene, periodontal conditions, carious lesions in patients during a period of 15 years following insertion of fixed partial dentures. Journal of Clinical Periodontology, 1993; 20: 482 - 489. [Online] -- [Medline] J Clin Periodontol

Quality of care, Clinical Guidelines, Patient safetytop

Lectures / Courses Publications  
Klinisk odontologisk praksis og uønskede hendelser. Ansatte i Universitetstannklinikken og IKO. Institutt for Klinisk Odontologi. UiT Norges arktiske universitet. 11 Jan 2021.    
What is Evidence for Quality in Oral Health Care? Dansk Tandlægeforening, Aarskursus 2008. Referanser. København, Danmark. 31 Oct 2008.    
Clinical Guidelines appraised with the AGREE instrument. FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. Montreal, Canada. 26 Aug 2005.    
Quality of Clinical Practice Guidelines & Appraisal of Guidelines using the AGREE instrument. 3 days course Norwegian Research Council project on capacity building in evidence-based dentistry. Second South African Workshop on Evidence-based Oral Health Care. Centurion Lake, South Africa. 7 Apr 2005.

South Africa - Norway Programme on Research Cooperation

Evidensbasert odontologi og kliniske retningslinjer. Senter for Medisinsk metodevurdering (SMM). SINTEF Unimed. Oslo, Norway 6 Jan 2004 Jokstad A. Appraisal of guidelines in dentistry using the AGREE instrument. European Association of Dental Public Health. Annual Meeting, Jyvaskyla, Finland. 21-23 Aug 2003 [Poster]. The quality of clinical guidelines in dentistry. Community Dental Health, 2003; 20(3): 19 [Abstract] Community Dental Health

Policies, statements and guidelines in oral health care ---FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. Wien, Austria. 1 Oct 2002.

Jokstad A. Development of clinical standards in FDI World Dental Federation and relationship with the International Organisation for Standardization (ISO). Report to FDI Council, April 2002.

FDI Report
Guidelines and Evidence Based Dentistry European Association of Dental Public Health. Annual Meeting, Athens, Greece. 13 Sep 2002. Jokstad A, Bayne S, Blunck U, Tyas M, Wilson NHF. Quality of Dental Restorations. FDI Commission Project 2-95. International Dental Journal, 2001; 53(3): 117 - 158 [Online] -- [Medline] Int Dent J

The need for guidelines in the information age. FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress Workshop. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 30 Sep 2001. -

Jokstad A. Policies, Statements and Guidelines in Oral Health Care. FDI World, 2001; 10(2): 9 - 11[Online] FDI World 2001
  Jokstad A. From Science to clinical practice - the work of the FDI Commission. FDI World, 2000; 9(2): 19 - 20 [Online] FDI World 2000
  Söderholm KJ, Tyas M, Jokstad A. Determinants of Quality in Operative Dentistry. Critical Reviews of Oral Biology and Medicine, 1998; 9: 464 - 479 [SAGE] [Medline] Crit  Reviews Oral Biol Med
  Jokstad A, Mjör I. A. The quality of routine Class II cavity preparations for amalgam. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 1989; 47: 53 - 64. [Online] -- [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica
  Jokstad A, Mjör IA. Cavity designs for class II amalgam restorations. A literature review and a suggested system for evaluation. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 1987; 45: 257 - 273.[Online]-- [Medline] Acta Odontologica Scandinavica

Research ethics, -organization & -validitytop

Lectures / courses Publications  
  Jokstad A. Cochrane Collaboration Systematic Reviews may be based on trials not approved by a research ethics committee. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research 2017; 3(5): 179-183. Clin Exp Dent Res Cover
Patient Preferences and Study Designs of Clinical Trials in Dentistry. International Dental Ethics and Law Society 7th International Dental Ethics and Law Congress. Toronto, Canada. 24 May 2007. Jokstad A. A Review of the potential to establish a Research Institute Clinic. Report to Univeristy of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry 18 July 2006. UofT Fac Dentistry
The new Research Institute Clinic. University of Toronto, Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto, Canada. 18 Oct 2006 Jokstad A. The FDI-IADR Science Transfer Lunch Seminars. Report to FDI Council. March 2005 FDI Report
Methodological designs of clinical trials and their power to answer research question. NOS-M -The Joint Committee of the Nordic Medical Research Councils Workshop on Dental Implants. Bergen, Norway. 21 May 2005. Jokstad A. Cutting edge research that will impact future oral health care - 2004. International Dental Journal, 2005; 55: 45-54.[Online] [Medline] Int Dent J
  Jokstad A. WHO-WSC High-level Workshop in International Standards for Medical Technologies. Report to FDI council, Feb 2004. FDI Report
  Jokstad A. Compendium, Research methodology -some notes. Postgraduate Education in Dentistry Core Curriculum. Universitetet i Oslo. 12 Pp. 2004, 2003, 2002. University of Oslo Logo
  Jokstad A. Compendium, Biostatistics. Postgraduate Education Programs in Dentistry. Universitetet i Oslo. 34 Pp. 2003, 2002, 2001, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995. University of Oslo Logo
  Jokstad A, Barnard JT, Reich E. The International Dental Research Agenda - FDI World Dental Federation. Journal of Dental Research, 2003; 82(3): 156-157. J Dent Res
Science in prosthodontic papers. A comparison of two prosthodontic journals International College of Prosthodontics Biennial meeting. Sydney, Australia. 18 Oct 2001.    
Oral sciences in the rapidly changing society. University of Basel Faculty of Dentistry. Basel, Switzerland. 9 Oct 2001    
Standards Developments in Dentistry FDI -Federation Dentaire Internationale - Annual World Dental Congress. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 29 Sep 2001.    
An appraisal of the papers in The International Journal of prosthodontics. International College of Prosthodontists Biennial meeting. Stockholm, Sweden. 9 Jul 1999    
Evidence based dentistry; a reality? Ethics and science theory in the health professions- odontology. 11 Sep 1998. Ethics course. University of Oslo   University of Oslo Logo
  Aass, AM, Jokstad A, Pulkkanen U, Rykke M, Ruud WV. Rapport fra undergruppens arbeid. Klinikk for allmennodontologi - voksen. Det odontologiske fakultet Reorganisation Prosjekt. Universitetet i Oslo, 1996. University of Oslo Logo
Practice Based Clinical Research - methodological issues and preliminary results. NIOM. Nordic Institute for Dental Materials. Lysebu, Oslo, Norway. 21 Nov 1992 [Originale protokoller] Eriksen A, Jokstad A, Lindahl AK, Nordstokke K, Rypdal K. Stipendiaters arbeidsvilkår. The Central Committee for Research Education at the Universitetet i Oslo. Group C. June 1990. University of Oslo Logo
  Jokstad A. Forskerrekruttering ved Det odontologiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo. Council for Postgraduate Education Programs. Det odontologiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo, Mai 1990 University of Oslo Logo

Tooth anatomy & colour top

Lectures / Courses Publications  
Color theory and application in Dentistry. FDI World Dental Federation & Chinese Stomatological Association CDE programme. Hangzhou, China. 26 Oct 2004
Practical application of color theory in dentistry Lebanese Dental Association 13th Annual Conference. Beirut, Lebanon. 28 Aug 2003    
Colour theory and applications in dentistry. FDI World Dental Federation & Indian Dental Association 5th Joint CDE Programme. Goa, India. 7 Dec 2002    
Fargelære og VITA-3D fargeskalaen. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Postgraduate course. Oslo, Norway. 22 Jan 2001    
Fargelære og bruk av VITA-3D fargeskalaen. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Clinical Demonstrator course. Oslo, Norway. 18 Jan 2000 Jokstad A. Lys og farge applisert i odontologi. Universitetet i Oslo, 2000. University of Oslo Logo
Fargelære. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Postgraduate course. Oslo, Norway. 10 Mar 1995 Jokstad A. Form og farge i fronttannsettet. 2nd ed. Universitetet i Oslo, 1995. Fargekompendium
Form og Farge i fronttannsettet. Oppland Tannlegeselskap. Biri, Norway. 22 Jan 1994    
Form of Farge i fronttannsettet. Universitetet i Oslo Det odontologiske fakultet Graduate Course. Oslo, Norway.15 Aug 1992 Jokstad A. Tenner - Form og farge. Universitetet i Oslo, 1992. Seminar farge og form
  Risnes S, Jokstad A. Tannmorfologi. Universitetet i Oslo, 1992. Tannmorfologi kompendium
Form of Farge i fronttannsettet. Nordland Tannlegeselskap. Saltfjellet, Norway. 15 Sep 1989 Jokstad A. Tannlegenes Tallmagi. Munnpleien 1987; 70: 56-57 Munnpleien 1987
Fronttannsettet: Farge og Morfologi. Norwegian Dental Association Januarkurs. Oslo, Norway. 6 Jan 1987 Jokstad A. Form og farge i fronttannsettet. 1st ed. Universitetet i Oslo, 1987. Biri Fargekurs
  Jokstad A. Tandmorfologiske skitser. Bokanmeldelse. Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 1986; 96: 393 Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende
  Jokstad A. Arbeidshefte i Tannmorfologi. Universitetet i Oslo, 1986. University of Oslo Logo

Other themes in dentistrytop

Jokstad A. Sterk internasjonal prestasjon. Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende, 2015; 125: 586-587  
Jokstad A. Norsk basalforsker var best. Den norske tannlegeforenings Tidende, 2014; 124: 670-671  
Jokstad A. Mouthguard for use in sports. Report to the FDI Council, August 2004
FDI Report
Jokstad A, Njaa S, Haug J. Vaktordningen i Øvre Romerike Tannhelsedistrikt. Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende, 1999; 109: 12 - 16 [Online]. Nor Tannlegeforenings Tidende
Jokstad A. Headache and Facial Pain. Mongini F (ed). Bokanmeldelse. Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 1999; 110: 83 - 84 [Online]. Nor Tannlegeforenings Tidende
Jokstad A. Norsk odontologisk forskning presentert under IADR. Rapport til NTF 1993.  
Jokstad A. The complete denture. A clinical pathway. MacEntee MI (ed). Bokanmeldelse. Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 1999; 109: 818 [Online].
Nor Tannlegeforenings Tidende
Jokstad A. Reiserapport NTF. International Association of Dental Research, Dublin, Irland, 28 - 30 Juni. Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 1989; 99: 599 - 601. Nor Tannlegeforenings Tidende
Jokstad A. Reiserapport NTF. International Association of Dental Research, Montreal, Canada 9 - 13 mars 1988. Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende 1988; 98: 524 - 525. Nor Tannlegeforenings Tidende
Jokstad A. International Association for Dental Students. Annual Financial Report. IADS Newsletter 1981 International Association for Dental Students
Jokstad A, Salomonsen K, Skjold I. Tannlegestudentenes hytte ved Blankvann, 50 år. Jubileumshefte, Oslo 1980 Jubileumshefte for tannlegehytta 1980
Jokstad A. Kullboka 1979. Det odontologiske fakultet i Oslo, Juni 1979 Kullbok 1979 Odontologisk Fakultet
Jokstad A. Official Program. International Association for Dental students Summer (IADS) School. Oslo, Norway. June 1979 International Association for Dental Students
The articles above may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes only. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden without prior permission from the publisher and author.

Clinical and Experimental Dental Research - editorials, 2015-2019

23: 2019:5(6): Clinical and Experimental Dental Research celebrates 5 years and the relay baton can be handed over. [Wiley] [PMC]

22: 2019:5(5): The 2018 AAP/EFP classification of periodontal diseases, a focus on “risks” as a faux ami and language gone on holiday. [Wiley] [PMC]

21: 2019:5(4): Oral health professional must use correct terminology when explaining risks for complications and undesirable health outcomes as a basis for informed consent for clinical treatment. [Wiley] [PMC]

20: 2019:5(3): Please do not feel bad, identifying the precise study design used in clinical research may be a challenge. [Wiley] [PMC]

19: 2019:5(2): Who can claim the ownership to the blueprints of my body parts? [Wiley] [PMC]

18: 2019:5(1): Quo Vadis Cochrane Collaboration? [Wiley] [PMC]

17: 2018;4(6): 20 years of Evidence‐Based Dentistry — How have our patients benefited? [Wiley] [PMC]

16: 2018;4(5): Saving patients by pulling their teeth out‐but killing them softly afterwards with dental implants? [Wiley] [PMC]

15: 2018;4(4): Quality dentistry and ethical dental practice. [Wiley] [PMC]

14: 2018;4(3): Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) versus patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) – is there a difference? [Wiley] [PMC]

13: 2018;4(2): The art of amusing the public while conducting research may be fruitful. [Wiley] [PMC]

12: 2018;4(1): Medline indexing of the latest research findings in dental research has stopped. [Wiley] [PMC]

11: 2017;3(6): Register-based observational studies - who will endorse that maternal smoking lowers the odds for developing hay fever and eczema? [Wiley] [PMC]

10: 2017;3(5): The approval of clinical research by an independent ethics committee –a compulsory requirement and not a matter of the investigator’s choosing. [Wiley] [PMC]

9: 2017;3(4): The disorder of disorders in current nosology. [Wiley] [PMC]

8: 2017;3(3): Why did Professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark never receive the Nobel Prize in medicine? [Wiley] [PMC]

7: 2017;3(2): Accuracy of digital appliances for use in dentistry for dummies. [Wiley] [PMC]

6: 2017;3(1): Launching a new journal on the Internet in an era of fake science news and predatory publishing—doing the right thing and doing the thing right. [Wiley] [PMC]

5: 2016;2(3): Dentists and new digital appliances - to buy or delay until the next model? [Wiley] [PMC]

4: 2016;2(2): The young scientist's guide to win the award for best presentation. [Wiley] [PMC]

3: 2016;2(1): Has the pressure to publish or perish in academia been overtaken by a need to also generate a prominent h-index? [Wiley] [PMC]

2: 2015;1(2): Open Access publishing is a logical evolutionary extension of evidence-based medicine. [Wiley]

1: 2015;1(1): The wonderful aspects of Open Access publishing - and the unfortunate dark side. [Wiley]

Clinical and Experimental Dental Research

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2020.3.30. Khrono. Et upresist språk skaper unødvendig angst om koronaviruset.
vglogo 2014.6.12 VG: Ny forskning: Kaffe kan gi bedre tenner norsk professor er ikke akkurat overbevist
uit 2013.10.1 Nordlys: Lim fra rur kan reparere tenner
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nrklogo 2013.3.10 NRK: Våkner du med hodepine, øm kjeve og stiv nakke? Da kan tanngnissing være grunnen
Aftenposten logo 2004.3.3 Aftenposten: Egnet til å skremme vettet av småbarnsforeldre
  2003 Ozongass i stedet for bor. Bedre Helse 2003(8) p 28.
NTB logo Champis og kaffe ødelegger nordmenns tenner.
Dagbladet logo 2003.10.5 Dagbladet: Klasseskille i tannhelsa 2003. 10.1 ForbrukerPortalen: Hvorfor skal det koste så mye å gå til tannlegen?
KK 2003.10.1 KK Kropp: Perleglis - til hvilken pris.
Aftenposten logo 2003.5. 20 Aftenposten: Til tennenes tjeneste
UofOslo Logo   2003. Apollon- Universitetet i Oslo Research Magazine: Manglende testing av tannimplantater
Nordlys avis 1991.4.10 Nordlys. Amalgam er ingen fare for helsa.
  Hvor mye kvikksølv avgir amalgamfyllinger fra tennene? Paneldebatt. Messe: Helse for alle '91. Sjølyst, Oslo, Norway. 3 Feb 1991
  Amalgam og helse. Paneldebatt. Oslo Lokal-TV, Oslo, Norway. 14 Oct 1987

top Interviews

  Ny vitenskapelig redaktør i Tidende. Den norske tannlegeforeningens Tidende 2023; 133: 81. https:/
Oralen Tromso

Protetikkspesial - Intervju med professor Asbjorn Jokstad. Oralen 2020; 11(3): 11-12

iti ITI Funded Research - Meet the Researchers. Forum Implantologicum 2019: 15(1): 32-34
apex 2009.2.1 Dental Learning Hub: Oral Implants- Trends and directions.
oral health supplement 2008. 4 Oral Health Supplement: The Toronto Osseointegration Conference Revisited
Starget 2008. Starget Spring 2008 1: 6-7: Preview - Toronto Osseointegration Conference Revisited
J Can Dental Association   Journal of the Canadian Dental Assoc 2006, 72(3): 219: From Oslo to Toronto.
  Turkish Dental journal 2005; 89:62: Modern prosthodontic research.
Alumni Today UofT Alumni Today Spring 2006 18-19: A Passion for Advanced Prosthodontics
NTF Logo Norwegian Dental Association Journal 2001; 111: 943-944: Du finner det meste på FDIs nettsted (You will find most matters on the FDI website)  
Swedish Dental Assoc Tandlakartidningen 2000 92(7): Kunnskapsbaserad tandvård blir alt viktigare (Evidence-based dentistry is becoming more important)



Website management


IADR Prosthodontics IADR, Prosthodontics Research Group 2009-2014
ITI Canada Website ITI, International Team of Implantologists, Canadian Section 2010-2012
IADR Implantology IADR, Implantology Research Group 2009 -2012
Toronto Conference Toronto Osseointegration Conference Revisited, May 2008 2007- 2008
FDI Guidelines database Guidelines in Dentistry. Database, FDI World Dental Federation 2002- 2006
Kenya Dental Association Kenya Dental Association; hosted & managed by FDI World Dental Federation 2003- 2005
Zimbabwe DA Zimbabwe Dental Association; hosted & managed by FDI World Dental Federation 2003- 2005
Sri Lanka NDA Srilanka Dental Association; hosted & managed by FDI World Dental Federation 2002- 2005
ERO FDI FDI World Dental Federation European Regional Organization (ERO) 2002- 2005
Adult Dentistry Clinic Det odontologiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo, Farmaka som paavirker oral miljo. Prosjektoppgave 2002- 2005
Adult Dentistry Clinic

Internett-ressurser for tannlegestudenter. Prosjektoppgave

WWW Resources
Anatomi Biokjemi Biomateriale Endodonti
Farmakologi Gerodontologi Implantater Kariologi
Kjeveortopedi Oral Medisin Oral mikrobiol Pedodonti
Periodonti Protetikk og bitt Radiologi Annet

Fakultetets webressurser, institutter og avdelinger

2002- 2005

The FDI World Dental Federation.

Version 1, Jan 2000 to July 2003

Version 2 , July 2003 to July 2004.

2000- 2004
Nor Norsk Forening for Oral Protetikk - NFOP 1998 - 2005
sspd 1998 The Scandinavian Society for Prosthetic Dentistry  - SSPD 1998 - 2004
Dental Materials Database Det odontologiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo. Databasen over dentalmaterialer. Prosjektoppgave 2002 - 2005
Adult Dentistry Clinic Klinikk for allmenn-odontologi voksen. Institutt for klinisk odontologi, Det odontologiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo 1999 - 2005
oslo prostho dep Avdeling for protetikk og bittfunksjon. Institutt for klinisk odontologi. Det odontologiske fakultet. Universitetet i Oslo. 1996 - 2005
U Seminarer i protetikk, Avdeling for protetikk og bittfunksjon. Det odontologiske fakultet. Universitetet i Oslo. 1996 - 1999
Personal Website 1996-2005 Personal Website, Universitetet i Oslo. 1996 - 2005
